Cities Move to Protect Birds in Flyway Zones with Bird Safety Window Film Installation Legislation
The relatively recent interest in anti-bird strike window film received a significant boost with the December, 2019, passing by the New York City Council of legislation requiring bird friendly glass in buildings throughout the city. The law passed after an intense bird safety campaign by local and national conservation groups and with the support of a number of influential building architects. The city is in a major northeast bird migration route known as the Atlantic Flyway. As a result of that and the huge number of high-rise buildings in the city with glass facades, between 90,000 and 230,000 birds die annually from flying into the buildings. New York isn’t the only city with this problem. There are five major bird flyways in North America, stretching from the West Coast to the East Coast. A number of major cities with numerous high-rise buildings are located in these bird migration zones. Chicago, Houston and Dallas are considered the most dangerous cities for bird migrations...