Experts Touting Face Shields Over Masks as Best Protection Against COVID-19

As the use of a face cover has become common place across the United States in the wake of COVID-19, the question is: Which one works best, the mask or a face shield.

Initially, masks were considered the preferred way to protect someone from both spreading the virus and protecting themselves. This is something we’ve seen doctors, nurses, dentists and other health care providers do for years.

However, the masks weren’t intended to be protection against viruses like COVID-19. So, although medical experts believe they are mostly effective there is no solid data.  Additionally, many different companies are making masks and the quality and effectiveness level of them vary. More troubling, homemade versions of the mask might not be good enough and give people a false sense of protection.

Face shields is a viable alternative to masks are increasingly being championed by public health professionals. If made properly, with the right headband, the shields are considerably more comfortable than masks. They also make breathing much easier. Face shields cover the entire face, are made of a clear plastic for excellent visibility and – significantly – do not fog up eye glasses like a mask does.

While masks have to be continually washed, face shields can be easily cleaned with disinfectant wipes or a mild soap and water.

People who are deaf and have serious hearing issues can be understood when they are wearing a face shield but not when they are wearing a mask.

Face shields are more economical because you only need to buy one. You will need multiple masks as you have to cycle them through the cleaning process almost on a daily basis.

Medical personnel have been wearing both the mask and the face shield for ultimate protection as they are on the front lines. People who work in retail establishments - especially salons, day spas and restaurants – are finding that the face shield is preferable to the mask. They also feel more confident wearing the face shield.

One of the top face shields in the U.S. is the Safe-Gard, made by Madico, a leading manufacturer of coated and laminated window films.

The Safe-Gard Face Shield includes a comfortable, water-resistant, closed-cell, foam front with adjustable head fasteners and Velcro® closure to ensure a good seal.

Commercial Window Shield of Taylors, S.C., is a leading distributor of the Madico Safe-Gard Face Shield.

For more information
contact Adam Staley, Commercial Window Shield, at or [419] 215-9469.


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