Security Window Film Will Protect Your Building During Violent Civil Unrest

The protests in late May over the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, brought between 15 and 26 million people into the streets of hundreds of American cities and towns. It’s considered to be the largest mass demonstration in U.S. history. While the overwhelming majority of the protestors were peaceful, there were violent elements among them who caused significant damage to thousands of buildings along with looting millions of dollars of merchandise.

Some of the figures are staggering:

$500 million – Estimated damage in Minneapolis-St. Paul to more than 500 buildings
$10-$15 million – Estimated damage to buildings in Atlanta’s Buckhead neighborhood
135 – Number of buildings damaged in Chicago’s central business district
14,000 – Number of looters arrested nationwide

While the protests have subsided, building owners are now faced with the task of repairing their damaged buildings and replacing all their damaged property and stolen inventory. The cost would be staggering in normal times but even more so now with the economic impact of COVID-19.

Once the damage is repaired building owners will be asking themselves: What can I do to protect my building in the future should similar civil unrest resume?

One answer is to install fragment retention film on your windows. Also known as shatter resistant window films or security window films, these films are designed to increase the shatter resistance of glass during catastrophic events – such as riots, terrorist attacks, explosions and foul weather.

Safety and security windows films range in thickness from 4 to 21 mils, which is
thicker than typical window films. The films are almost always installed on the interiorof the windows and doors. They require a heavier, more aggressive adhesive system.

They can be anchored to the window frame with either a wet glaze or mechanical system. The type of installation system that is used can depend on the type of glass and windowframe that’s being protected. Generally, more sophisticated attachment systems arerequired for the thicker security window films.

The combination of security film and proper installation means that if the glass breaks it will hold in place. The significance of this during violent protests is it will keep looters out of your building because it’s very difficult and time-consuming to penetrate windows secured with shatter resistant window film. If you factor the cost of security film installation versus the cost of replacing your building inventory and repairing the damage, security window film is a smart investment.

If you are considering having security window film installed on your building windows, you’ll want to hire an experienced installation company. The installation process can be complex and does require specific expertise. Commercial Window Shield is one of the country’s most experienced installers of fragment retention window films and is a pioneer in the field dating back more than 30 years.


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