Polycarbonate Lenses: What You Should Know

Polycarbonate lenses are one of the lightest, thinnest and safest lenses at the request moment. Utmost all lenses are now made from polycarbonate polymer. 

The polycarbonate material was developed in the 1970s to be used for aerospace operations. Polycarbonate is still the favored material used for space shuttle windshields and helmet bills of the astronauts. It was not until 1980 when polycarbonate was introduced into eyeglass lenses because of the demand for featherlight and impact-resistant lenses. 

The lenses generally considered 'coke bottle bottoms' are considered to be the once generations of lenses. One remedy to use this new material is because these lenses are generally thinner and lighter than utmost conventional glass or plastic and are the favored choice in utmost eyewear. Former lenses were made from a molding process where the liquid plastic was moldered and ignited for a long period. The liquid would harden and would ultimately produce the lens. 

 Polycarb lenses on the other hand though start as solid accouterments which are shaped like bullets. These are also hotted until they melt. After the bullets have melted, the liquid is also fitted into the molds of the lenses which are compressed and cooled. Rather than this process taking multiple hours, the process to produce polycarbonate lenses only takes twinkles. This process is called Injection molding as opposed to the cast molding process. 

Another important point of these lenses is their ultraviolet light inhibiting value. With these lenses, the bone does not have to pay redundant for UV treatment to cover eyes from potentially dangerous shafts. 

 Nothing can compare to the impact resistance and safety of polycarbonate lenses. This material has been used in' pellet- evidence windows in buses and airplane windshields. Because of the accouterments used, utmost safety spectacles and children's eyewear use'polycarb'because of the inconceivable safety features. Polycarbonate lenses are over to ten times further impact-resistant than typical plastic or glass lenses. These lenses are also used in rimless eyewear spectacles because of the featherlight and due to the frame factors. Polycarbonate lenses tend to be 10 thinner than plastic or trivex plastic material lenses. 

The benefits of this lens far surpass the aged generations of lenses benefits. Polycarbonate lenses not only offer a lighter, more impact- resistance and UV protection, but it also offers a wider variety of lens designs. One now can use progressive and multifocal polycarbonate lenses. 


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