Israel Embassy Hires CWS for Ballistic Resistant Window Project

WASHINGTON – The Embassy of Israel has retained Commercial Window Shield for the installation of a framed polycarbonate ballistic-resistant window protection system.

The project involves the installation of the BulletShield system. The system being installed is UL752, Level 1-rated.

The issue at hand is the presence of a public access dog-walking terrace on one side of the building. That access is deemed a security risk to the occupants of the embassy. The ballistic-resistant window protection system is being installed to protect embassy employees and visitors in the event of an armed attack.

Production of the retrofit polycarbonate ballistic-resistant window protection system designed to fit the embassy windows has begun. Installation of the system will begin later this summer.

Commercial Window Shield is one of the country’s pioneers in the installation of security window film, also known as fragment retention film and shatter-resistant film.

Additionally, the company is an expert in the installation of solar control film, decorative/privacy films, switchable smart film, radio frequency [RF] shielding film, and anti-bird strike window films.

 Commercial Window Shield’s many prestigious window film installation projects have included FBI headquarters, the Pentagon, Grand Central Terminal, Merrill Lynch headquarters, the United Nations, the Willis [former Sears] Tower, O’Hare and Seattle international airports, and the Philadelphia and Denver mints.

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